Why we believe what we believe. Our journey has led us to the Creator.
Where in the World is God?
And current events unfolding on the world stage.
The Olivet Discourse
Matthew Chapter 24
The end of the age.
Holiday Armor
How to deal with a hostile world
2021 Post U.S.A.
Presidential Election Thoughts
Why We Believe What We Believe
Our journey has led us to the Creator
Join us for yet another topical study focused on apologetics which is the defending of our faith with the truth that Christ reveals to all of His obedient saints who study the Bible for all it's worth in truth.
Paul La Capria Teaching
Where in the World is God?
And current events unfolding on the world stage.
Join us for yet another topical study through current world events and lets explore where God is in all of it.
Paul La Capria Teaching
Matthew Chapter 24
The disciples came to Jesus privately and asked Him, “Tell us, when is the end of the world, and what will be the sign of your second coming and of the end of the age?”
Paul La Capria Teaching
Paul La Capria Teaching
Now that the Presidential election is over, let's look at some possible scenarios that could play out in the future.
Then let's explore what God's word instructs us on how to proceed.
Paul La Capria Teaching
Presented at the Men's Saturday morning breakfast on June 22, 2019 at the Cause Church in Brea, CA.
5min intro given by pastor Jay Godoy.
Paul La Capria Teaching
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