The theme of John’s Gospel is that Jesus is the promised Messiah and Son of God. By believing in Jesus, people can have eternal life.
The Gospel of John teaches us who the "Person" of Jesus is. Our high priest manifested Himself into human form to reach all of humanity through God's love for His created beings. And through perfect obedience to His father in heaven, Jesus walked the perfect sinless life here while on earth and went to the cross to make atonement for our sins to restore us back into a relationship with God. John shows us the humanity of our Creator through the person of Jesus, God's son, the second person of the Trinity.
The Incarnate Word:
In the prologue John presents Jesus as the eternal, preexistent, now incarnate Word and as the one-of-a-kind Son of the Father who is himself God. God’s revelation and redemption in and through Jesus are shown to form the culmination of the history of salvation, which previously included God’s giving of the law through Moses, his dwelling among his people in the tabernacle and the temple, and the sending of the forerunner, John the Baptist.
John (jpg)
DownloadClick below to listen to John Chapters 1 - 6
Click below to listen to John Chapters 7 - 15
Click below to listen to John Chapters 16 - 21
The Word Became Flesh
Paul La Capria Teaching
The Word Made Flesh
Paul La Capria Teaching
The Testimony of John the Baptist
Paul La Capria Teaching
Behold, the Lamb of God
Paul La Capria Teaching
Jesus Calls the First Disciples
Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael
Paul La Capria Teaching
The Wedding at Cana
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Paul La Capria Teaching
Jesus Knows What Is in Man
You Must Be Born Again
Paul La Capria Teaching
For God So Loved the World
Paul La Capria Teaching
John the Baptist Exalts Christ
Paul La Capria Teaching
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
Paul La Capria Teaching
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
Jesus Heals an Official's Son
Paul La Capria Teaching
The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath
Jesus Is Equal with God
Paul La Capria Teaching
The Authority of the Son
Witnesses to Jesus
Paul La Capria Teaching
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Jesus Walks on Water
I Am the Bread of Life
Paul La Capria Teaching
I Am the Bread of Life
The Words of Eternal Life
Paul La Capria Teaching