As God's Word teaches us men to pour His Word into our family, this time is spent being obedient to that exhortation in Scripture.
God has blessed our family for being obedient in this area of His calling and as iron sharpens iron, we too have all grown in our understanding of God's word through these lively discussions in our home.
This time spent pouring over God's Word with my family has become an invaluable time that we all look forward to.
The last book that we went through:
The Old Testament Book of Proverbs
Proverbs states its theme right at the book’s beginning. Its goal is to describe and instill “wisdom” in God’s people, a wisdom that is founded in the “fear of the Lord” and that works out covenant life in the practical details of everyday situations and relationships.
Proverbs gives us an excellent opportunity to instruct our children with the wisdom of God. Pulling these nuggets into the New Testament teachings of the "New Covenant" shows how God's wisdom has transcended time and is not subject to the tidal effects of societal mores.
Proverbs is the prime example of “Wisdom Literature” in the Old Testament, the other books being Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, together with the wisdom psalms. In the New Testament, James is usually counted as a wisdom book, and parts of Jesus’ teaching belong in this category as well.
Prior to Proverbs we studied (in an expository fashion):
The New Testament Book of 1st Timothy
The theme of 1st Timothy is that the gospel leads to practical, visible change in the lives of those who believe it. It is often thought that the theme is church order, but the discussion of church offices is simply a piece of the larger argument that the true gospel, in contrast to false teaching, will always lead to godliness in its adherents.
Paul wrote 1st Timothy in order to advise his young coworker Timothy concerning issues that were arising at the church in Ephesus. When Paul left Timothy in Ephesus, he had specifically charged him to deal with some false teachers in the church. Since Paul was then separated from Timothy and the church, he wrote back to him with further instructions. He hoped to return for a visit but wrote in the meantime to address the way in which Christians should behave. Throughout the letter Paul grounds Christian behavior in the gospel.
The false teachers are the primary occasion for the letter. The letter as a whole is bracketed by discussion of the false teaching and the positive instruction is crafted in direct contrast to the false teachers. The exact nature of the false teaching is unclear. It apparently involved speculation about the law and asceticism. Paul’s real concern is with the results of the false teaching — for example, promoting speculations, arrogance, and greed. Paul addresses the content of the false teaching only in passing but focuses on the fact that true Christianity is evidenced by lifestyles shaped by the gospel. Those whose lives are not shaped by the gospel show that they have turned away from the faith.
First Timothy is a clear call for the church to live out in tangible ways the ethical implications of the gospel.
Prior to 1st Timothy we studied (in an expository fashion):
The Old Testament Book of Daniel
The book of Daniel, named after and written by Daniel in the sixth century B.C., records the events of his life and the visions that he saw from the time of his exile in 605 B.C. until the third year of King Cyrus. Daniel, whose name means “God is my Judge,” was a young man of noble blood who was exiled from Judah during the time of King Jehoiakim (609–597 B.C.) and lived thereafter at the Babylonian court. After the fall of the Babylonian Empire, he served the Medo-Persian Empire that succeeded it.
The central theme of the book of Daniel is God’s sovereignty over history and empires, setting up and removing kings as he pleases. All of the kingdoms of this world will come to an end and will be replaced by the Lord’s kingdom, which will never pass away. Though trials and difficulties will continue for the saints up until the end, those who are faithful will be raised to glory, honor, and everlasting life in this final kingdom.
Since this book contains so much prophetic prophecy about end time events (Eschatology), we felt it a fitting book end to our recent study of the New Testament apocalyptic book of Revelation.
Prior to Daniel we studied (in an expository fashion):
The Old Testament Book of Job
Considered to be the oldest book in the Bible, dating between 1500 and 2500 years before Christ (BC) the book of Job is a gem amongst the Old Testament. Categorized and placed as the first of 5 books of the Old Testament that we call Poetry (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon are all considered books of Poetry), Job is considered by most scholars to be the world’s most perfectly written poem.
Of course, one must study Job in its original written language of Hebrew to garner the perfect harmony of this work that all other works of a serious poetic nature are compared against.
The Israelite author of Job tells us that Job was a person living in the land of Uz, which is outside the borders of Israel. Can we all not relate to Job, even today, as Job himself, calls his friends miserable comforters, and in 21:34 he declares they are trying to comfort him with empty nothings. In 21:2, Job sarcastically offers to his friends the “comfort” of hearing him out.
The key to this brashness comes in 42:6 now that God has spoken, Job can say that he is “comforted in dust and ashes.” When Job’s relatives and friends come to comfort him in 42:11, this is probably ironic: Job found the comfort he needed in the vision of God’s unsearchable wisdom.
This unsearchable wisdom that Job discovered during this process that God ordained for him to experience is the same process by which God teaches us to rely and trust on Him in spite of what we see and experience around us.
The book of Job has brought great comfort to all who read it during times of trials in their lives as it will most assuredly lift your eyes off of yourself and your circumstances and place them squarely on Christ where they belong.
The Israelite author in 1:22 tells us “In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.”
Wouldn't it be great if after we come out of our next trial, we could boast the same thing?
It took over a year to finish, but prior to Job we studied...
The Book of Revelation
The family wants a better understanding of end time events and prophecy. There is far too much to say about this book to cover here, but rest assured, we will cover it all in detail.
The book of Revelation is apocalyptic in its nature but it also is the only book in the Bible which promises you a blessing for reading it.
So we got that going for us!
Before Revelation, we finished...
The 2nd Epistle to the Corinthians
The central theme of 2nd Corinthians is the relationship between suffering and the power of the Spirit in Paul’s apostolic life, ministry, and message.
In addition to calling into question Paul’s motives in organizing a collection for believers in Judea and questioning his personal courage, Paul’s opponents had argued that Paul suffered too much to be a Spirit-filled apostle of the risen Christ. Paul argues that his weakness as an apostle is the very means by which believers are comforted and God in Christ is made known in the world.
Paul’s sufferings embody the cross of Christ, while his endurance amid adversity, with thanksgiving and contentment, manifests the resurrection power of the Spirit. Paul’s suffering as an apostle is thus the very means God uses to reveal his glory.
Paul therefore sees a close tie between the Corinthians’ acceptance of his apostleship and the genuineness of their faith. To reject Paul and his proclamation is to reject Christ himself, since Paul’s message, ministry, and manner of life are one.
This explains why 2nd Corinthians is the most personal of all of Paul’s letters, filled with deep emotion.
And before 2nd Corinthians, we finished...
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John is just an amazing book and definitely one of the cornerstones of all the books of the New Testament. Unique in all the gospels in so much as it teaches you who the person of Jesus was in all of His humanity while being God in human form. An amazing perspective to explore.
Defiantly one of the first books of the Bible any new Christian should read and study. Teaching my family who Jesus was has proved to be a valuable life lesson as having this basic understanding of God's heart for His created has proved to be a fall back resource for my children when their faith is put into question by an unbelieving world.
Having this foundation in place has proved to be a life saver when holding fast to the principals of Christ and God's love for His creation. I would encourage any family to roll up their sleeves and dive deep into this rewarding treasure of scripture. They are life lessons, that will keep you close to Christ forever.