2nd Thessalonians Overall Theme
The theme of the second coming of Jesus dominates 2nd Thessalonians just as it dominated 1st Thessalonians. Jesus’ coming will be preceded by an “apostasy” (or rebellion) and by the revelation of the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist. When Jesus comes, he will defeat this rebellious world ruler and bring justice to oppressed Christians, and wrath to their persecutors and to unbelievers in general.
Paul wrote 2nd Thessalonians
In contrast to the warm and effusive tone of 1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians includes some blunt commands as Paul addresses bad behavior and bad thinking. Further, this letter is noteworthy for the author’s tough-mindedness in predicting judgment on the ungodly and rebuking church members who behave and think incorrectly. Still, there is a regular swing back and forth between reproof and warm encouragement.
The Judgment at Christ's Coming
Paul La Capria Teaching
The Man of Lawlessness
Stand Firm
Paul La Capria Teaching
Pray for Us
Warning Against Idleness
Paul La Capria Teaching